Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Explaining the project

I've always wanted to be a blogger. I've never been very good at it. It always starts with good intentions but somehow I always veer off in other directions. I think part of the reason is because I don't have a topic that really draws me in. Plus I wonder who on earth would want to read my blog. So this year I've started a blog for myself, a sort of virtual journal. It is going to be a combination of a few different things that I would like to accomplish this year.

First of all, a few of my friends tried to do the 365 days of pictures last year to document a year in their lives. This will be the foundation of my blog. The idea of flipping through photos from each day of my life for a year sounds exciting to me and I'm looking forward to 2012 very much.
Secondly, I'd like to document my craft projects this year. I made a bunch of stuff last year and I would have liked to document it somewhere other than on FB.

The third function of this blog is perhaps the most important to me. I want to be able to raise awareness for Cystic Fibrosis. I sometimes worry that my friends and FB aquaintences get a little annoyed at my CF posts but I guess I don't really care. It's part of my everyday life and I would love for people to understand the struggles and triumphs that my son goes through every day. I feel if I get a mix of these three topics I will have a well rounded and thorough blog.

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